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Monday - Friday 9:00 AM ET - 5:00 PM ET


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"I found this workshop incredibly helpful. This workshop has increased my confidence in conducting and interpreting a meta-analysis. Further, Michael's generosity with his time in taking questions during the breaks and after-hours were an unmeasurable benefit to this workshop. The additional benefits were all the resources provided as part of the workshop- these have been, and will continue to be so incredibly helpful."

Rebecca Lazarus - Macquarie University (Sydney, 2015)

"I really enjoyed this workshop. The organization of case studies and the ability to follow along using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 3.0 have made this an outstanding learning experience. Dr. Borenstein has that rare quality of being able to discuss very complex topics in understandable language. He answers questions very cordially. In short, this has been a great learning experience."

Alan J. Lipps - Abilene Christian University - Los Angeles 2019

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