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"The CMA workshop presented by Dr. Michael Borenstein is one of the best we had. Dr. Borenstein delivered the workshop on site to our study team of eight members in Rockville, Maryland. Since most of the participants did not have previous experience with meta-analysis, the one-day workshop covered both conceptual issues related to meta-analysis as well as hands-on demonstration of the CMA software. It was extremely thorough and informative. We were most appreciative of the follow-ups he provided. Dr. Borenstein was always very accessible and helpful whenever we had questions about CMA in the subsequent months as we coded the studies and analyzed the data."

Xiaodong Zhang - Senior Study Director, Westat, Rockville, MD

"Michael Borenstein is an extremely clear teacher. He explains meta-analyses procedures in a systematic and 'simple' way, meaning that he describes the concepts without complicated words. I got a good overview of how to use CMA in my future work. Thank you for the support to develop more self-efficacy with respect to performing meta-analyses and interpreting the results."

Silvia Titze - University of Graz, Austria

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