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"This is an excellent course, well presented, step-by-step and easy to follow. Great to have all the case studies in paper and soft copy. Michael is extremely knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. I liked the stories, real life examples and openness to answer questions. He was able to make a dry topic very interesting. Also appreciated a grounded clinical perspective of what meta-analysis results infer."

Sharon Carey - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital - Sydney 2020

"I was extremely unsure if this course was too far advance for me. Previously I did not have any experience with statistics. After having been reassured that the course doesn't assume how much one knows about Meta-Analysis I decided to take it. I really enjoyed how Dr. Borenstein explained analysis with multiple examples that made understanding Meta-Analysis simple and enjoyable."

Yousaf Zafar - NCH Residency Program - Los Angeles 2019

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