Course  »  Why THIS course

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The material is presented in a way that makes it sound intuitive – you will understand the logic of meta-analysis.  You will learn to perform a meta-analysis correctly and to report it properly.

One attendee wrote:

As a professor of statistics, I was unsure whether to take the initial online course in meta-analysis, thinking that it might either be too dense and jargon-filled to be interesting (given Dr. Borenstein’s impressive credentials and knowledge base) or too basic (given that I was already teaching a course).

As I finish the series now, however, I am awestruck by the quality of this offering. Dr. Borenstein is quite simply a master teacher, so he offers complex material in a completely comprehensible form, the best of both worlds.

I picked up details on the statistics, the use of CMA, and the theory behind the statistics, but I also (hopefully) will model the style and clarity of his teaching style in my own work in the future. I look forward to the intermediate and advanced sessions.

Constance J. Dalenberg, PhD, Alliant International University - Online Workshop

Other testimonials are here


"Michael is an excellent presenter. Although being a complete novice to the subject, I left the course with a thorough understanding of the topic and a real desire to apply it to my own area of work, which is research in the agri-food sector in Northern Ireland."

Alan Gordon - Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute

"Unraveled some of the mysteries of meta-analysis with practical "hands-on" examples, that could be easily understood by those of us who are not statisticians."

Caryl Nowson - Deakin University, Australia

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