Course  »  Instructor

Michael Borenstein, PhD
Director, Biostat, Inc.
Associate Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1990-2001)
Director of Biostatistics, Hillside Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center (1982-2002)
[email protected]

Michael Borenstein is the co-author (with Larry Hedges, Julian Higgins, and Hannah Rothstein) of the text Introduction to Meta Analysis (Wiley, 2009, 2021).  He is also the author of the text Common Mistakes in Meta-Analysis and How to Avoid ThemA PDF of this book may be downloaded here for free.

Dr. Borenstein has published numerous papers on meta-analysis and contributed chapters to texts on meta-analysis and systematic reviews.  He is the primary developer of the software Comprehensive Meta Analysis (CMA) which will be used in this course.  This software was developed with funding from the National Institutes of Health in the United States, in collaboration with experts from the US, the UK, and Australia.  It was initially published in the year 2000 and is now in its fourth major release. The software is used by tens of thousands of researchers throughout the world.

Dr. Borenstein has been the primary investigator on numerous grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop methods and software for conducting and teaching meta- analysis.  He serves as a reviewer for meta-analyses submitted for publication.  He is a founding member of the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology, and served as its president in 2017-2018. Dr. Borenstein has been teaching workshops on meta-analysis since 2005 at numerous venues including the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, the Federal Drug Administration, and the Karolinska Institute, as well as scores of workshops open to the public.

Select publications may be downloaded here

Michael Borenstein teaching

"A very clear, usable way to approach meta-analysis. As a non-statistician, I found this course very understandable and applicable to my work in systematic reviews. Dr. Borenstein has a gift of being able to clearly explain difficult concepts. This is a fantastic course!"

Dru Riddle, PhD, CRNA - Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas USA, School of Nurse Anesthesia

"This is an excellent course, well presented, step-by-step and easy to follow. Great to have all the case studies in paper and soft copy. Michael is extremely knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. I liked the stories, real life examples and openness to answer questions. He was able to make a dry topic very interesting. Also appreciated a grounded clinical perspective of what meta-analysis results infer."

Sharon Carey - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital - Sydney 2020

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