Agenda  ยป  FAQ

I have additional questions

Please e-mail me at [email protected]

Can I see a sample video?

To get a sense of the course, click here to watch a sample video. This should give you a sense of how the course works.

Can I ask questions about my own data?

The zoom sessions are intended to clarify the issues covered in the videos and other general issues in meta-analysis. I would be happy to discuss your data as it relates to these issues, and to answer any questions of general interest based on your data. However, we cannot spend much time on issues that are unique to a specific dataset and not of general interest.

Course readings

There are no required readings, but the following are strongly recommended:
Introduction to Meta-Analysis (2nd Ed) Michael Borenstein, Larry V. Hedges, Julian PT Higgins, Hannah Rothstein. Wiley (2021). Available on Amazon
Common Mistakes in Meta-Analysis and How to Avoid Them. Michael Borenstein, Biostat (2019). Available on Amazon. Download a free PDF of the book.


"This is a fantastic course which gave me a very useful insight about Meta-Analysis. I am a novice researcher but gave me a platform to work on Meta-Analysis in the future. Professor Borenstein is an excellent instructor and always sympathetic to answer all our questions in a caring and supportive way."

Abebaw Mengisu Yohannes - Azusa Pacific University - Los Angeles 2019

"Michael clearly explained some of the basic concepts of meta-analysis (e.g. Random vs. fixed effects models; interpreting heterogeneity scores; subgroup analysis) in a way that made these sometimes-confusing issues clear. He also exposed some of the myths and mistakes that are common in many published Meta-Analysis."

Christina Pallitto - WHO

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