Agenda  »  Syllabus

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Basic Course Advanced Course

Basic course (Modules 1-4)

Basic Course (Module 1)
Basic concepts 1
Meta-Analysis where the effect size is consistent across studies

Basic Course (Module 2)
Basic concepts 2
Meta-Analysis where effect size varies across studies

Basic Course (Module 3)
How to perform and report a meta-analysis
using continuous and dichotomous outcomes

Basic Course (Module 4)
How to perform and report a meta-analysis
using incidence, correlation, and risk difference

Advanced course (Modules 5-8)

Advanced Course (Module 5)
Subgroup Analyses –
Comparing the effect size in different sets of studies

Advanced Course (Module 6)
Meta-regression –
Assessing the relationship of covariates with effect size

Advanced Course (Module 7)
Working with complex data sets
Multiple outcomes, time points, comparisons, subgroups

Advanced Course (Module 8)
Publication bias, limitations of the random effects model
Risk of bias, and other issues

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"Thank you very much for the wonderful workshop at Kent State University. I really enjoyed it. I particularly like the way you organize the course, starting with the concept, then applications and examples, and finally common mistakes."

Jingzhen (Ginger) Yang, PhD, MPH - Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, College of Public Health, Kent State University

"This course was fantastic. A good balance of theory and practice really helped to bring my current understanding of meta-analysis to a higher level. It helped to smooth out some rough edges that will guide my future research."

Liz Speelman - Georgia College & State University

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