Agenda  »  Learning objectives

Course learning objectives

Basic course

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the logic of a basic meta-analysis and teach them how to perform a meta-analysis, critique a meta-analysis, and avoid common mistakes in meta-analysis.  By the end of the course students will understand

  • The goals of a meta-analysis
  • How to choose a statistical model
  • How to choose an effect-size index
  • How to enter data for a simple meta-analysis
  • How to estimate the mean effect size
  • How to quantify and understand heterogeneity in effects
  • How to report the results of the analysis
  • How to create forest plots
  • How to create plots that show the distribution of true effects
  • How to avoid common mistakes in all these areas

Advanced course

The objective of this course is to teach students advanced issues in meta-analysis. By the end of the course the student will understand

  • How to use subgroup analyses to compare the impact of a treatment in sets of studies that enrolled different populations or employed different variants of an intervention (analogous to ANOVA in a primary study)
  • How to use meta-regression to assess the unique impact of continuous or categorical covariates on the effect size (analogous to multiple-regression in a primary study)
  • How to assess the potential impact of publication bias on the analysis
  • What to do when there are only a small number of studies in the analysis
  • How to avoid common mistakes in all these areas

"This is an excellent course, well presented, step-by-step and easy to follow. Great to have all the case studies in paper and soft copy. Michael is extremely knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. I liked the stories, real life examples and openness to answer questions. He was able to make a dry topic very interesting. Also appreciated a grounded clinical perspective of what meta-analysis results infer."

Sharon Carey - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital - Sydney 2020

"No matter if you’re a clinician, researcher or statistician; the course offers you a broad theoretical as well as practical intro to the discipline of meta-analysis. Everyone seemed to learn something – this shows great competence of Michael Borenstein."

Christina Mohr Jensen - Research Unit for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

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